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Showing posts from 2008

This weekend

I don't really know where to start. It started as a great weekend, seeing Kay and Scott on Friday night (friends from Berkeley Lake). It was great to catch up with the goings on and to show off Morgan Hill (which we still love). But it was also sad to hear how my dear friend LeAnne is doing. I feel so guilty- we have not spoken or emailed in a while and I really had lost touch. Today I read her two blogs, and I just want to get on a plane and go and give her a hug. I feel such a bad friend, and just when she needs me most. Shit! That's how I feel now...


It is a sad state of affairs when you can't remember what you did the day before.. Apart from doing the normal chores (shopping etc) The only thing I recall is going to the garden center and discovering that the unknown tree in our garden is a frost bitten avocado. I was very pleased, even though I'm told it won't bear fruit until it is at least 5 years old, and I think this one is no more than 4 years based on the age of the house. I know that I spend enough time outside yesterday that I have pink cheeks- I don't ever remember to put suntan lotion on until it is too late. However today I did remember when we went on a bike ride towards Coyote Lake-Harvey Bear Ranch County Park, which is about 6 miles from our house. I did forget my new camera though. The ride there was really pretty on nice quiet roads. When we got there we followed the map and it wasn't as accurate as we'd hoped. However it was a nice ride and we plan to go back there and explore it more soon....

Finally getting organised!

I am finally getting the rest of my life organised (English spelling). We've been in Morgan Hill a year and the house is almost done. I found a cleaning service to free up our weekends. Can't wait :-) I also booked a dentist appointment- only 18 months behind schedule. I normally go every six months and my next appointment should have been a year ago. I went to a new chiropractor too today for the first time, and it looks like one I could stick with. Not quite Dr Ross but getting there. I came home the back (no pun intended) way and it only took 35 minutes from Los Gatos and the ride was lovely in the Mustang with the roof down! A great way to start the weekend :-)

No more personal web site

One of many things I did today was to retire my personal web site. I decided that I can live with just my blog (and try to update it more often), and my Picasa Photo and Web albums. I spent a while uploading pictures and editing them. We bought a new pocket sized camera recently and it has renewed my interest in taking photos. All day I have been researching things on the web- everything from stopping junk mail, to local farmers markets and "Queen". (We watched all kinds of music videos on "You Tube" at the same time). It's been the perfect kind of geek day- wet and windy. I still have not done everything I was going to do, but something is better than nothing!