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Big Move Narrowboat Adventures- into August

 Thursday August 1st was our 25th Wedding Anniversary. We had always said that the trip on the Queen Mary 2 was also an anniversary trip because we knew we would not be able to go away on our actual anniversary as we had on previous milestone anniversaries. Instead, we went out for a lovely Italian meal in a restaurant in Hungerford. 

The heat kept us in Hungerford longer than we had originally planned. We knew we had to be back in Newbury for August 11th for an upcoming trip, and made the decision not to go any farther on the Kennet and Avon Canal. The original plan had been to go as far as Devizes, Wiltshire which is about 52 miles along the 57 mile canal. Instead we had made it 29 miles along the K & A and achieved our objective (finding a house). 

We have however, travelled 82 miles since we picked up the boat. That doesn't seem far but it's a long way in a narrowboat over three weeks actually moving (and not in a marina).  The K&A is an 'out and back' canal, so finding a house meant we could turn around and go back the way we had come and maybe go farther past Heyford on the Oxford Canal and explore a new area before we have to return the boat at the end of September. 

Therefore, we decided to go and visit the other spot, Great Bedwyn, by car over the weekend. First we moved the boat back to Wire Lock, the lovely partially shaded and quiet spot that we had stopped at on our way to Hungerford. We walked back to Hungerford, picked up the car and drove the short distance to Great Bedwyn. It was a sweet village but we were glad we hadn't made the effort to go there by boat. Then it was time for the car shuffle. This time we drove the car farther on to Kintbury, parked there and had a pint at the Dundas Arms before walking back to Wire Lock. 

On Sunday (4th), we moved the boat on to Kintbury and tried to moor in the same spot as we had found last time but it wasn't possible. We ended up a little farther down the canal which was quieter and great for a couple of days. We were still within easy walking distance to the pub and went there for a late lunch. However, they had been so busy over lunchtime, they had closed the kitchen early! Luckily (for Dick in particular) they were firing up their pizza oven instead for early evening meals. A duo turned up and sang some great tracks on the patio, we had a brought Crib to play while we waited and it turned out to be the perfect afternoon in a pub garden. 

Moored in a lovely spot

Afternoon in the pub garden

The horse drawn boat with the long rope to pass up and over the boat.

As usual, we stayed a full day after arriving for Dick to work. I also had to plan how to use up the perishable food for the rest of the week as we were leaving the boat in a marina at the weekend for a small side trip.

Tuesday morning meant another small move to a place we knew. It's funny going back the way you came as you know the best spots to moor now! We stayed in a slightly different place with lots of sun for the solar and good sky access for the Skylink. Whenever we get to a mooring, I usually have to bring out my cheap garden clippers and gloves to get rid of the stinging nettles around the boat. Sometimes I do a bit more and trim the plants around the windows on the boat. I also carry the clippers when walking along the canal path to get rid of brambles in the way.

Early evening

Right up against the bank for a change!

Snails climbing near where I cleared stinging nettles

The other thing I like to do while Dick is working is go and find blackberries! It is still a little early for them but there are still some good ripe ones out there, even if some are a little tart. They normally end up on our breakfast cereal if they make it that far!

Every day we try to go for a walk if we haven't moved the boat- even if it is just along the tow path. It has made us realise how much we have missed walking in the English countryside.

 A lunchtime walk for a change!

Thursday meant another move back to Newbury as we were planning to leave the boat in the same marina as last time to go on a little trip. This time we stayed right on the edge of town for the first night, and then moved into a slightly different spot in the marina on Friday. Once I got back to the marina, I started the big boat clean and all the washing! It was also great to see the familiar faces again.

As we were leaving on Sunday, we decided to make the most of going for a longer countryside walk on Saturday. This time we drove the car about 20 minutes and parked in a small village to do a circular walk of about 6 miles, with the inevitable lunchtime stop at the pub for lunch. This time it was the Jack Russell Pub in the unfortunately named village of Faccombe. I'll leave you to work out why that made us giggle!
It was an overcast day with lots of low cloud but perfect for walking, and some fantastic views. 


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