For the last three weekends we've gone on a hike every weekend. The first week it was Uvas Canyon County Park (waterfalls and trees), then Calero County Park (great views and hiking around the reservoir) and today Mount Madonna. It was a fairly steep walk to start with and quite humid after last weeks rain but worth it..
We are die hard home made pizza fans, and make one once a week- usually Friday or Sunday nights. They normally consist of a pizza base made in the bread machine, with toppings such us onions, peppers, mushrooms, and some kind of sausage with a good layer of fresh mozzarella. For a long time, Dick has tried to convince me that shrimp is good on a pizza, but I just didn't even like the sound of any kind of fish on pizza. If I've ever had shrimp on pizza it was a long time ago and they were small and hard after being baked. Yuk. However, last weekend we both ended up listening to a story on NPR about a winning pizza recipe in New York. It actually sounded good even to me, and tonight we made it, and it was lovely!